Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nov 21 to 29

Still nothing in terms of training - I want to remind my readers that I started this blog with the idea that if I needed more money, I'd get another job.

So, I got a side hustle and I'm running with it.

I'm just not running at the moment. But I know that the "not running" time is going to end soon.

I'm just getting tired of the side effects of not training - like not sleeping well and getting up late and the feeling like I'm a ball of ooze.

I'm starting. Again.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nov 11 to 20

The drought continues with some days getting my Daily acivity up to 100%. Most days, I'm too overdone with things I have to do to take time for myself.

And when I get time to train, I'm instead having to work on work projects. #sad #burnout #gahhhh!

At least my days are less stressful than people who are the President of the US.

I also gave up two volunteer positions in rugby clubs in the last year, slowly moving on to other things, as the body just isn't helping me at the moment. However, I did find a cool Stand up Paddleboard on Kijiji for a good price.

I'm thinking Santa will be shoving that into my living room in 2019.

Not a live update, but stand by

Monday, November 11, 2019

Nov 4 to 10

Yeah, nothing.

I'm so stressed by family life right now, there's nothing left in the tank at the end of the day for anything.

I cancelled my gym membership at EPC and we moved on. I continue to throw out furniture and other fixtures of the house in preparation for a move. There's nothing to see here except nothing.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Oct 25 to Nov 3

A little bit longer of a period for me to be covering in this post, but very little training being done. There was one workout on the 26th that was pretty good.

The rest of the time, I'm being active, but not training. Such a waste.

I was also not feeling the best during this period; this nagging cold and sleeping badly are catching up to me. The sun setting just after noon isn't helping either.

Meh, at least work is going well. Having the time there. Nutrition is also not bad these days either. I can only control certain things, and what I eat is one of them.