In any case, I gotta say, I hate those year end shows on TV I used to watch. I can honestly say that, except for some children's shows, movies, the weather channel and the news, I don't watch much tv these days. I read the newspaper or online journals to keep myself informed, but the tv just doesn't do it for me anymore. But I digress
This year for me went as well as it could. I started out heavier than I am now, certainly in poorer shape and not training as hard as I could have. If I was to reflect on the wasted time and effort in previous years, I might start to have regrets. And, I ain't gunna use this here blog to cry about crap like that. There is no point to it. So, I move forward.
"This is who I am".
I'm running a Resolution Run today in Burlington. It's like ten degrees outside (that's like 45 degrees for my American readers) man ... that's like spring. I'll bet there are people golfing around here today. But not me, nope. Working out and running and taking care of my family. I am thinking about running tonight in shorts and a long sleeve shirt.
I see that as my future, the "who I am" for the next year. Training, learning how far I can go, then going further. I read the tweets and facebook status of Spartan Race which gives training ideas. Reading Mike MacNeil's stuff. I'm reading a lot on the USC website ... I'm reading, reading and reading. I am fit - but better fitness is always better. I am strong, and more strength is always better. I am happy, I am working full time. I have enough to pay most bills on time. I also see me keeping up with this independent learning, too.
What else to be resolved about? Not sure. A few thoughts for things to get started/done after Nationals in no particular order:
Golden Horseshoe Kettlebell Club?
A RKC certification?
A black belt in BJJ?
A marathon in Toronto/Niagara Falls in October of 2011?
the Spartan Race
the 10k mud run?
other running events?
what about a field event, like shot put - in the masters division? (Dan John did it, why not me?)
more wrestling - although this is sort of a no-brainer. I love getting on the mats.
and there's always the Professional Development I am doing through work, which I'm trying to do on the cheap at the moment, but I know there is more formal course work ahead of me ... once my wife gets back to work next Christmas.
And there is just more of what I am already doing: learning about nutrition, fitness, teaching, iron, kettlebells, GPP and staying this way into my older years. I'm so tired of being told who I am, so ... all of these things permit me to define who I am.
In any case, what follows is the usual food and training log:
Breakfast ; steak and eggs
Lunch coffee, beef on a bun.
Dinner/after run meal was pizza made by my family.
I did this: The 5k run - there was no chip timing, so I did it myself. I'll have to get a chip timed run in at some point this winter.
I also did this:
deadlifts and BW squats to bring in the new year.
Finally, just before the run today, I checked my email to find out that a rugby buddy died last night in a car crash. Carpe Diem - you never know when it's your time, man. I'm going to miss Roddy. That's me on the bottom row, and Roddy right behind me, wearing the same jersey as me:

He was a finer human being than I hoped to meet.
Sorry to hear about your friend, really sad to see such things happen.
ReplyDeleteAlso what's this Golden Horseshoe Kettlebell Club business?
If you want something done right, you do it yourself - it's an idea I'm just toying with right now; a not for profit group aimed at spreading the goodness that is kettlebelling in the Golden Horseshoe (Niagara region)