Thursday, July 21, 2022

July 12 to 20

Yeah, this was a long few days. I got to Sunday and the weather around here switched from warm to hot.

That isn't complaining, just point out the obvious. I had to stay up late and get up and get to work. The heat tends to slow everything down.

The rings on my Apple Watch weren't closed in the last four days - but they were up to Saturday. Slow times make it more difficult for me. 

Lots of walks and lots of sleeping going on. Not resting, just sleeping.

The fact is the last walk I did was the one on Saturday and I wrote somewhere that it was pain free. I should not have written that - 'cuz that just was stupid. Meh, whatever. It was a good session, and since then haven't worked properly. That is the way things work around here. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

July 1 to 11


Most of these days were active - the big red ring got closed most of these days thanks to getting up early and getting a decent walk in before work. Some after work as well.

Conversations are happening about ext summer and a return to rugby, too. A dedication to fitness is most critical. Be better. Be fit and able to resist injury is also super important.

Walks and hikes were the order of the day though. I want to get lifting back in, or at least some sort of Crossfit /HITT workouts. I find them  helpful and able to help with my goals.

Haven't thought too much about anything else but work these days - mind on automatic when it comes to fitness or personal life. At least I have August to do that thinking.

Last weekend I spent sleeping, man. Just ugh. Couldn't move. At least Monday I got up and did a 2.5 km hike by 6:15am. That was pretty cool.