Sunday, April 23, 2023

April 17 to 23


It looks way better on her than it would on me

I'm writing this a little early on Sunday - I just need to get it off my To Do list for the day. And. so ... here we are.

This was an odd week - not as odd as others, but odd enough. I didn't close the rings on Wednesday due to needing to be a parent to my youngest child. I closed them Thursday and Friday then not on Saturday.  Saturday I was miserable, sore and just wandering about the day. I got some stuff done - finally prepared the Wrestling Dummy "Chuck" and a lot of other things, but no training sessions. Was too out of sorts for that. I did get a Date Night in at the end too. So, the day was good for mental health, not necessarily physical health. 

Anyway, I did more swimming this week than anything else. I lost most afternoons and evenings to being a full-time employee or being a parent this week. All good - next week will go back to "normal" or what can be nominally described as "normal"

I did get two awards from my watch for "Longest of" workouts this week - swimming and hiking. That was pretty sweet. I know I will be working on those even longer in the coming weeks. On Sunday morning I did a 2km hike on the beach. I could have been in the kayak, but as I was getting out of bed thinking about not drowning was a goal for the day. 

I'll probably regret that guilty thing in the back of my head making me do that. When I got down there, other than it being chilly, it was perfect for a silent kayak session. Ah well, life will go on. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

April 10 to 16


An incredible film. Amazing.

I dunno, all these days off are messing with my sense of what day it is. That and I'm just keeping myself active and out there.

On all the days I closed my Apple Watch rings so far - it's Sunday afternoon as I write this and it is really really nice outside. I'm going hiking with my son as soon as I finish writing this blog post.

One or two swims this week, and one or two escapes/adventures this week as well. Usually hiking in the local provincial park. New to me routes and lots of cool shots. 

this is a cool shot as it is on top of a big hill
When I did my HiiT workouts, followed the usual:

2 minutes on the fan bike - legs and arms going like mad

2 minutes KB swings and presses - using the 16 milo bell

15 second two hand arm hang - working on getting a chin-up

90-second step-ups on 30 cm step

10 30 lb db flies

90-second battle ropes.

The flies were a recent addition and a welcome one. I'll make sure I keep adding stuff in here as time goes along. Want to work on things and make myself feel better. That's the key here, just feel better. That and do better with nutrition. Smoothies for breakfast this week coming up.

Do the work; the pretty will come later. 

Sunday, April 9, 2023

April 2 to 9


This is what was on the screen this week

This started off as a great week - two or three swimming sessions, a couple of days with three sessions and even a short hike. Then on Friday as I was about to do a second hike I got called to be a dad. Not that being a dad is contrary to being a fit and outgoing person, it is just that the demands of being a dad are at times needy by nature. 

I did get my bench set up and included bench db flies as a part of the workout on Friday. 35 lb db's are wonderful to start. I have the 50's waiting in the wings for later. I even messed around with doing double kb cleans and presses this week too. The rest of the workouts are as you see in last week's blog post - fan bike, kb swings, two-handed hangs, battle ropes ... and repeat for 40 minutes or longer. 

Anyway, I finished my rings on Friday and had a bit of fun with my family. All good. Saturday and Sunday have been wonderful, though. I got up early and did some stretching and then got to the beach. There was even someone out on Lake Ontario in a kayak, man. Made me a bit jealous, to be frank. I'm going to see what's what tomorrow and maybe get myself in the water. The rest of the days were quiet and I took a break. I even got a massage on Saturday. Excellent recovery for me. 

Workouts are getting a bit dry, to be frank. I need to poke around on this blog and my hard drives to find a few other training sessions. I'm grateful for the warmer weather and I can get outside for fitness and fun. I'll wonder what next week will bring. 

Tomorrow I'm back at it, everyone. Will be epic. 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

March 27 to April 1

He abides, man.

This started off as a good week - closed all the rings until Thursday morning when something in my leg went "pooooooiiiiIIIInnNng" and swelled up. That did not make Thursday night or Friday at work feel at all very good. I was doing ab rollouts on a big exercise ball at the time. To repeat: that did not feel good.

I found a compression sleeve for my leg and have been wearing it - the compression helps with moving and healing. Also ... lots of Advil. As a result, lots of leafy greens and fruits. I wish my son would follow suit. Eeesh.

Anyway, I think the longer back to back to back to back workouts early in the week stressed the hamstring out, the poor dear. I need to keep in mind not to do the same workout over and over again. I mean I like those cardio workouts, just ...I need to vary them up a bit, ya know?

It can result in overuse injuries. Especially in the hamstrings.

Anyway, went swimming on Saturday and Sunday - which I never usually do. And I was reminded why - it was a zoo at the pool. I'm never going to do that again unless the outdoor pool is open and abandoned. Man, people do suck - and the kids were being just awful. Anyway, I got a swim on both days, just never again. I'd rather hunt for polar bears in Denver than do that again.

What else? Just focussing on showing up this week - need to work on the diet, but am having fun getting ready for the outdoors this summer.

I did get a full kit together from pieces I already had for kayaking later on in April or early May. I'm not interested in freezing to death but I'd also like to get out on the water. I also got a birding kit from the local library and took my son out with it yesterday. That was pretty awesome.