Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Sept 10

I felt pretty good this morning; I got a full 7 hours of sleep, man. It was awesome. Tonight, I'm going to break with tradition and go to bed even earlier. Fo show.

Food intake for the day:

B Steak and veggies wrap for breakfast. Simply awesome

Snack: decaf green tea and a handful of almonds

Lunch: tuna steak on salad with a little dressing. Carrots and peppers with hummus. Water to drink.

After workout Snack: a bit of steak, dipped in ketchup

Dinner: fish with rice, veggies with dip. A beer with dinner

My workout today was after work, before I went to pick up my kids. I did this four rounds, increasing the weight from 30 lbs to 72 lb KB's in my garage. I used the TRX out of my door from the house into the garage for ring push ups and the rope rows.

1) KB Clean + Squat + Press 5 x 5
2A) rope climb or rope rows 4 x submax
2B) ring push ups 4 x submax
3A) KB farmer walks 3 x 150'
4) ab circuit 4 x non stop

I had to keep it quick and with the ability to finish off my day - hell, I have rugby tomorrow, too. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow - it's going to be a good game and I'm going to be playing with a lot of friends. What else can you want?

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