All three of them got my body moving, sweaty and heart rate up. The last one was a workout, man.
This, of course, is after a workout. I did five rounds of this:
20 BW squats
5 chin ups
10 inclined bench 30 lbs
10 KB exercises - snatch, cleans, depended on what I felt like for that round
10 dead lifts 160 lbs
10 bicep curls 30 lbs
10 tricep extension. 30 lbs
It was pretty freaking cold in my garage, though. A bit of a snow drift formed while I was in there, after having removed the snow from the other side of the garage door.
I ate this today:
Breakfast: tim horton's Belt and a coffee. Smoothie, too.
snack: roast beef wraps with veggies, water to drink
late snack: vodka cooler after the workout. Meh, I felt entitled.
Dinner: pasta with meat balls. Mainly meat balls. Water and OJ to drink.
Got another cooler after clearing the drive way, too. I think that will be the end of that, thanks. I signed up for the Orange County KB tour to Toronto at the end of April. Should be good - but that is my budget for the spring. I'll keep on the look out for inexpensive rope for the gym, but I'm pretty sure that is the end of my purchases until September. That includes a plane ticket to Edmonton.
I'm also wondering what it is that I'm going to learn over a weekend. I'm pretty sure that I would learn more from going to FACT for a whole bunch of Mondays, rather than this one workshop. However, I'm also thinking that I just don't have the time to make that commitment at the moment. A lot of people and ideas and money pulling me in a lot of different directions.
Now, back to work tomorrow - unless there's more snow on the way .... which would be awesome.
The workshop is going to be good. They'll be teaching stuff no one in Canada has done before fresh from Russia. I know that's why I am going to attend. To learn something new.