Going back to work after a long weekend almost hurts, man. Alas, I got it done.
I did this workout this morning ... Five rounds was killer
8-10 deadlifts 160 lbs
8-10 TRX BW rows
10 weighted squats 30 lb packpack, then added 15 more pounds
10 weighted push ups. 30 lb backpack
20 step ups with the same 30 lb backpack, then made the step higher by 4 inches.
8-10 ab roller roll outs
10 KB TH swings with the 53 lb KB- did 10 snatches each side one round, which was killer
5 chin ups
that was a hard workout; my legs and abs are just sore at the moment, and I'm sure life will not get any easier later on.
I ate this today:
Breakfast: prunes and coffee
After workout meal : chicken breast and poached eggs with some spicy "stuff". Coffee.
Lunch: Turkey sandwich, bowl of chili and a coffee while at work.
Snack was almonds and water to drink
Dinner was an awesome meal: Salmon from the BBQ, asparagus with rice and a salad. Glass of white wine to drink. Simply awesome.
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