I'm thinking a really good solution to my current funk is to try something different. So, I got a chance to get out of the house when everyone went to bed ... and I went to work out in the local park. That was refreshing, after spending a winter stuck inside a small box.
I did four rounds of this:
30 kb two handed swings 20 kilo and 30 lb KB used
10 kb snatches - 20 kilo and 30 lb KB used
30 squats - BW and Bulgarian training bag (around 45 lbs) depending on the round
15 ab roll outs
4 x 50m sprints
I got something done - wasn't awesome, but pretty intense. I'm liking the sprints, man.

Ate this today:
Breakfast: frozen berry and GJ smoothie, coffee on the way in
Snack coffee
Lunch was a tuna sandwich, carrots and celery. Water to drink
Snack was prunes and walnuts
Dinner was roast beef, sweet potato with a small salad. Water to drink.
Yeah, no alcohol today - need to start cutting my gut off, man. Time to step it up.
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