Friday I got a phone call from home, just before lunch. Seems my youngest hit my wife in the eye with something and it split something inside. Not a good way to start off the weekend. I spoke to the boss, who let me leave to care for my family. I got the two of them into the van, to the hospital and then home for a rest. After that it was my time to take care of, well, almost everything.
Saturday, normally a rugby day, was spent caring for my family. They needed me waaaaay more than my rugby team did. Meh, whatever. I did some light body weight stuff in my garage during the day.
Sunday I got a more of the same, except that I took the day off of training, getting some long walks in with my two smaller children. We also looked at Hallowe'en costumes.
Monday I was back at it, sort of. Did this five rounds:
30 swings
20 push ups
15 sitting knees to chest
5 chin ups
20 BW squats
Tuesday was a recovery and cleaning day - my relatives are coming over this coming Monday and I was needed to move furniture and clean. Ugh.
Wednesday... ah, finally we are caught up.
This morning did this five rounds:
30 KB swings
20 push ups
15 sitting knees to chest
20 BW squats
10 lying side arches with a KB on my chest
I really wasn't feeling it this morning, but I got something down, as I needed to get something done. I'm getting a little tired of a lot of stuff - and it's only October...

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