Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday Sept 29

Oh, things are changing slightly these days ... gone are the days of going for a relaxing walk with the family after a nice dinner in shorts and a t-shirt. Man, the fact of the matter is, we're friggin' busy.


Anyway, I'm also working my way though Convict Conditioning, a rather interesting tome on working out with just your body weight. Rather cool. I included some of the midsection material in today's workout:

Five rounds of
30 KB swings
20 BW squats
20 second wall assisted hand stands
15 knee tucks
5 chin ups
20 push ups

It was cool, man. Good tunes today, too. Just didn't feel like killing myself today, not really. Body was and is hurting from .. I don't know. .... "stuff"?

Ate this today:

Breakfast: Steak and scrambled eggs, water to drink

Snack: coffee on the way in

Lunch ; Tuna sandwich, veggies. Water

Dinner small bowl of pasta

Post rugby snack: a pint of beer

After training, I did a ladder, of sorts:

10 push ups and 1 BW squat, all the way to 10 BW squats and 1 push up. Between switching, I did a 20 m sprint. I also got a sneak peak at the selection list for Saturday. I was reading it upside down and ... I don't think I was on the list. That's what happens when you don't make it to rugby training. Ok, well...on with Friday.

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