Sorry to my loyal reader(s) - I've been away, just not lazy. The training continues.
Tuesday is rugby night and the last two Tuesdays I've made it to rugby training and did the usual for three rounds after:
50 m sprints x 5
20 feet up push ups
20 seated knee tucks
In addition, Wednesday was a training morning, too.
Thursday June 27 was a rugby night - we played a local club and lost by two points. We had a penalty kick available to us and we kicked for touch instead. Meh, whatever.
Friday to Sunday I was away at a cottage. Driving was a drag, but at least I snuck a few kettlebell and bodyweight sessions in while away. I posted pics on Facebook.
Monday and Tuesday I was up early. Monday I got a nice stretching session done, Tuesday I got this done for four rounds before I had to go move stuff for the day:
20 Kb two handed swings (30 lb bell used)
10 Kb clean and presses
10 kb snatches
20 feet up push ups
20 bw squats
40 m overhead kb carry
20 seated knee tucks
Tuesday was, of course a rugby night. We had the guy from Epic Training come and do a sprint training session with the team as a whole. I was sore the next day.
Wednesday I got up early to stretch, man ... I was so sore. I didn't train, but I'm still getting stuff from my In Law's house into my own. I'm trying to get these done early, as the mornings are cool at the moment, while the afternoons are just brutal with heat and humidity.
Thursday was another early morning session, this time in a local park, under a canopy of sorts. I got this done for three rounds before getting on with moving crap for the day:
20 kb swings (40 lb bell used)

10 kb snatches
20 seated knee tucks
20 feet up push ups
20 BW squats
Technical session at rugby - sort of. Lots of tire flipping and sprints, to be sure. I also earned my spot back on the first XV. But, I got my usual sprinting done for three rounds:
50m sprints x 5
20 feet up push ups
20 seated knee tucks
I'm also doing a lot of rolling and stretching of my legs and back. Moving and playing rugby is a lot of wear and tear on me at the moment.
One moment of clarity for me was seeing an old wrestling buddy when I walked into a place looking for a free standing chin up bar. He was just talking to his eldest about getting rid of his wrestling t-shirts he's had for 20 years. I told her that it just wasn't to be done.
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