Well, today was a new beginning ... or rather me attempting to bend the rules to my advantage.
Yeah, I think the second of those is closer to the truth.
I'm taking the time allotted to me and using it to improve myself and going to a local gym "Totally Fit" and doing some training. I need to find and print off a few of my workouts that I used to have in my garage and get them ready to take with me, but I got this done in time to get back to work today:
Warm up with a roller ... a real roller, not a medicine ball ... it was nice to have that done. The some warm up drills with a light kettlebell, just to get the heart pumping.
three rounds of:
10 double kb clean and jerks (35 kb used)
15 bench flies (35 lb used)
8-10 sand bag clean and squat ... it felt like 40 lb
15 hanging knee tucks (alternating with hanging L sits)
I got that done and then did two rounds of:
10 one legged lunges
15 feet up push ups
then ... got back to it.
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