Monday, February 25, 2019

Feb 19 to 24

So ... the Tuesday to Sunday this last week wasn't bad for training. I can't say I did a lot of actual lifting, but at least I'm getting my sweat on.

I mean, just doing sessions on a machine are boring, so a good number of the sessions you see above are HIIT sessions I run, with 2 minutes on the ellitical or other machine and then two minutes of kettlebell moves.

Each two minute session I do:

10 one armed KB snatch
10 one arm KB press
10 two handed KB skull crushers
and if there is time, I do alternating KB Swings or American KB swings ... or something cool.

Usually I'm working with the 40 lb Dumbbell when at Cedar Springs, or with the yellow kettlebell if I'm at home.

I watched The Shawshank Redemption these days while training at my house. It was pretty awesome.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Feb 4 to Feb 18

Yeah, illness and snow days are no joke. Got pushed off my routine by a number of snow storms and an illness I just can't seem to shake off of me.


Monday, February 4, 2019

Jan 22 to Feb 3

Lot of morning elliptical training these days. It's too snowy out to go outside and waaaaay too cold.

Seriously, it was -30 with the windchill here last week - it was awful. So, I protected myself and trained in my garage or at Cedar Springs.

Elliptical sessions tend to run in the 25-30 minute range and I'm barely making that. It's boring but warm. I'm pretty sure I'll be running outside as soon as the weather calms down and I won't kill myself on a patch of ice.

I had a nightmare about that the other day. Not a pleasant thing to think about.

Anyway, lots of training and the rugby guys are getting together Tuesdays .... tomorrow... starting now. Which sucks, as I am unable to do Tuesdays. As I already usually do Mondays and Wednesdays out. And Thursdays. And Fridays.....

You get the picture.

Finally, I want to point out that at the start of this blog, I indicated that all of this is a privilege to do - that I was happy that I had a job that allowed me to do these things on the regular. If I needed more money, why I get another job. That day came recently, so now I have three jobs. and looking for a fourth.

Sucks, but I gotta get that wolf away from my door.