Monday, February 4, 2019

Jan 22 to Feb 3

Lot of morning elliptical training these days. It's too snowy out to go outside and waaaaay too cold.

Seriously, it was -30 with the windchill here last week - it was awful. So, I protected myself and trained in my garage or at Cedar Springs.

Elliptical sessions tend to run in the 25-30 minute range and I'm barely making that. It's boring but warm. I'm pretty sure I'll be running outside as soon as the weather calms down and I won't kill myself on a patch of ice.

I had a nightmare about that the other day. Not a pleasant thing to think about.

Anyway, lots of training and the rugby guys are getting together Tuesdays .... tomorrow... starting now. Which sucks, as I am unable to do Tuesdays. As I already usually do Mondays and Wednesdays out. And Thursdays. And Fridays.....

You get the picture.

Finally, I want to point out that at the start of this blog, I indicated that all of this is a privilege to do - that I was happy that I had a job that allowed me to do these things on the regular. If I needed more money, why I get another job. That day came recently, so now I have three jobs. and looking for a fourth.

Sucks, but I gotta get that wolf away from my door.

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