Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sept 1 to 22


Aye, caramba - the time, she flies!

Sorry to my loyal readers - September is always busy around here and this year seems particularly silly. Overall, the standing and exercise rings have been closed daily. The morning routine - described below - has been hit every day. It's just the Move ring has not been closed to my level of satisfaction so far.

The morning routine was this:

10 minutes of hip mobility, downward dogs, hip work and gastroc and hamstring stretching along with hip extension muscles are all gently stretched.

10 minutes of ab work - flutter legs, one-legged and two-legged, knee tucks, and hollow holds. Some ball work - rolling down hips to ankles, and airplanes and delt flies.

10 minutes of arms and chest - kettlebell swings, overhead presses, bicep curls, lat pulls. 

A nice session, just not a lot of cardio. It's a good session, but it isn't going to get me back to that endless cardio that I'd like for myself. 

With the weather changing, the garage gym needs to be set up for the winter. I have a plan and need to get on it. Put the kayak away, get the floor clear and get myself back to the basics. 

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