OK, this was a cool weekend, man.
Saturday I spent most of the afternoon watching a synchronized swimming show that my eldest daughter was a part of. Pretty cool, I must admit. Not my cup of tea to participate in, but as long as my daughter is happy doing it, I'm more than happy to come and bear witness to her long hours in the pool, training. I lasted from noon until 2:30 ... and as soon as the last kid was out of the water, I was on my way to my rugby game, kicking off at 3pm.
No, didn't get there for the kick off, but made it on for just under a half. We were already losing at the time, and so I don't think my participation altered the outcome very much, but I think I did some good work. I got about 35 minutes on the pitch, under very humid and physically demanding situations. I did some stalking of my opposite number (made waaay easier via Facebook).. .and he's played for the local university rugby team for several years, there's even a pic of him holding the championship trophy a few years back. In any case, I think I help hold the set pieces together, spoiled a few of their put ins and generally made myself known on the pitch.
I heard no one laughing when they put me in, either.
I ate ok :
Breakfast: fresh fruit, coffee
Snack while at the show: fresh fruit, water. Lots of water
After the game: beer. Burger.
Snack later: pop corn, beer.
Sunday morning was a real early one. Got up at about 5:30am to get my kit together for the day. Cleaned out the rugby bag, making room for a few items needed for the Spartan Race.
Literally I was there for 20 minutes and I ran into a guy I used to coach in rugby. We hung out for a bit. Made things a bit more fun, really. I also taunted a few of my rugby friends about it after the game on Saturday. Seems they all want to do it next year ... if I remind them of it.
I had a pretty good time. As of right now, the results aren't online. I will get them and post them here.
Man, a really good time. I did take a few pics of the place, but this in merely one.

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