Sunday, February 9, 2025

Feb 2 to 8


This could be a pic of me, but I don't do hollow ab poses with socks

A pleasantly boring week for my fitness journey this week. Lots of two a day sessions working on mobility and strength on the mat in my garage gym. I did have to get out on Thursday and replace an iPhone charging cord and came across one item on my wish list - a massage gun recommended by another rugby playing kettlebell enthusiast. It was on sale for forty bucks and so I grabbed it and took it home.

A revelation in recovery help. Oh my goodness, I had it on my hip/quads for  ... let's say ten minutes ... and it was such a benefit to release and recovery. Honestly, just wow. 

I wish I could tell you that I woke up Saturday morning and all was well, but somehow my right ankle got twisted into a pretzel while I slept and I woke up with it inflamed. Had to get stuff done before a major snowfall came, so I soldiered on. But so annoying to have my hip not hurt and something else get in the way of enjoying an average busy Saturday.

Morning sessions are still:

Alternating heel touches for the win

10 minutes of hip and shoulder mobility - downward dog, to plank, to cobra pose. 90/90 hip movements, seated groin stretch, push ups, world's greatest stretch, hip opening stuff I see on Youtube.

10 minutes of ab work -  seated knee tucks, swimmer's kicks, hollow abdominal poses, push ups, planks, side planks, alternating heel touches, frog crunches, hamstring bridges

10 minutes of arms, shoulders and standing hamstring work. Banded arm curls,, banded overhead presses, push ups, standing hamstring stretches of various yoga poses and things that I recall from Wrestling and Rugby sessions in the past. 

Evening sessions tend to be just the first two 10 minute blocks, sometimes intertwined but no arm/shoulder work in the evenings. Just don't need that stress. 

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