Sunday, February 2, 2025

Jan 19 to Feb 1


Don't laugh, it was harder than it looks

To my loyal readers - sorry man, this is never a good time of the year, kind of stressful at work and lazy moments on the weekends. Whatever, things will be the way things will be.

All morning sessions done, all exercise circles closed, all standing circles closed. I just didn't want to get out into the cold and go for a swim - edit what a lame excuse. 

I did do some thinking on this topic and will be switching things up. I did a retirement planning workshop and I need to get back to my Vision Board - which I literally just reworked- and focus on making those things come to reality. 

To that end, I'm doing better on my Fitness, not necessarily my desire for limitless cardio but at least my mobility is much better than last year. Certainly my shoulders like the yoga and stretching and the not swimming. Rotator cuffs are grinning to each other as I type this. I will continue my careful exploration on "Adventure" as well. Various RV and Outdoor Shows are this month and next - I plan on attending and learning just a bit more than I already know. Come April and I'd like to be out on Lake Ontario in a kayak and my protective gear. Hypothermia is not my kink.

I had to change "Side Hustle" to "Side Hustle and Retirement" - as there were so many things I got flicked in the head with while sitting in a workshop to that end. Finding important papers and certificates is the easy part and sending copies to where they need to be. Planning the who's and wheres and the whats is the stuff I should be thinking about next. I'm honoured that I even get to consider ending my career with my current employer and move on to way better stuff. 

I also had to alter "Culinary Arts" to "Nutrition and Culinary Arts" as I need to get a hold of what I stick in my mouth. I always knew the adage that you can't out train a bad diet, but I never really lived it. Well, I should really start looking at living more intentionally and with a focus on my heart health. No scares yet, <<knocks on wood>>  but I know the days of eating like a teenager are going to come home to roost. 

These help my hips: BJJ leg pummelling
The last two are staying the same: "ASL"  and "Writing and Blogging". I should carve out some time for the first one as hearing loss is catching up to me. I do make time for writing every day and I have to blog for work - I just need to keep developing increasingly sophisticated skills for the future. 

In any case, morning sessions are looking like this:

10 minutes basic mobility - 90/90s, baby pose, push ups, one leg out hip stretches, classic groin
stretches, warrior one poses, starting to work on hand stand pose as well.

10 minutes ab work - seated knee tucks, flutter kick, BJJ leg pummelling, side lying leg lifts, back lying wipers and more push ups

10 minutes arms and shoulders - banded curls and overhead presses, TRX aided squats and face pulls, TRX curl ups and more push ups. 

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