Monday, February 17, 2025

Feb 9 to 16


This was on my phone while I stretched

Ah, my steadfast and loyal readers - it is a holiday Monday in the part of the world where I live these days. So, technically this isn't late. I mean technically it is, but we must abide the times.

Got all my morning sessions done this week - although one or two were actually done later in the day, but they at least got done. I keep seeing social media posts with baseballs for biceps on 80 year olds, so I'm just going to keep myself steady and moving forward.

Morning sessions are still:

SHoveLWOD strong, comrade!
10 minutes of hip and shoulder mobility - baby pose to start, then to downward dog, to plank, to cobra pose. 90/90 hip movements, seated groin stretch, push ups, world's greatest stretch, hip opening stuff I see on Youtube. Push ups.

10 minutes of ab work -  seated knee tucks, swimmer's kicks, hollow abdominal poses, push ups, planks, side planks, alternating heel touches, frog crunches, hamstring bridges. Push ups.

10 minutes of arms, shoulders and standing hamstring work. Banded arm curls, banded overhead presses, push ups, standing hamstring stretches. Some TRX squats and double arm face pulls and bodyweight rows. Push ups.

The cardio sessions were SHoveLWODs. (I'm going to trademark that spelling of it, by the way ... we got like 30 cm of snow on us over the last five days. Great for reading, squishing Zerg and yoga. Also a much coveted snow day as well. But the Apple Watch was slapping me on the back for everything I did this week while covered in snow.  

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