Sunday, March 31, 2019

March 20 to 29

Yes, in this time period I was working hard and getting my cardio and lifting done each day.

Things were progressing.

And then a hard left-hand turn was forced upon me.

I'm relying on very good habits to see me through this trying time. I will admit that I ate an entire Pizza Hut medium pizza in front of my mother last night. It was a veggie lovers pizza and it was too entirely delicious. Oh LAWD was it tasty. The glares I got were so worth it.

Tonight, of course, I'm going to have to lift and cardio those calories away.

As I arrived at work, the rugby team was on the field training. I miss not being able to coach this year, but I have too many things up in the air at the moment. Too many things up in the air and too much excitement means I just can't help that rugby team.

Besides, too many cooks.

I'm even thinking that my season will be at least have a delayed start to it. Training is to start next week and I'm just not sure if I can afford the time or the patience.

I will march on, though.

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