Sunday, January 8, 2023

Dec 31 to Jan 8

This was a good period of time for me. I closed the rings every day - lots of fitness and exercise.  I had trouble on Jan 7th with getting to sleep, but I got to sleep in, so I got out of bed at 10am. The rest of this time, I went to sleep on time and got up early to get my early morning sessions done. 

No, that was not a typo. It is possible for me to sleep in.

We did lots of fun staycation things - made it to Niagara Falls for example. Lots of fun things. I had planned on more, but there were enough people being idiots around here I just didn't want to add to it. I was grateful for the time to rest, work out and just be around my kids.

Workouts were generally without the battle ropes - too loud. The new gym and new gym equipment are all working well otherwise. 

What. A. Doofus.
An average workout looked like this:

5 min elliptical warm-up

12 or 16-kilo bell - two-handed swings x 20

Kettlebell cleans and presses - 20 on each side

one or two exercises with light dumbbells for deltoids and arms

Battle ropes for 90 -120 seconds if possible. They are noisy, so I don't like using them, depending on the time of day.

90-120 seconds of arms-only fan bike. This is harder than it sounds.

2-3 minutes on the elliptical trainer. 

I would do that four or five times, depending on the day. Getting out to the 35-40 minute times. Need just a smidgen longer - 45 minutes would be just about the maximum I'd do that workout. Not quite there yet, but I'll get there soon. 

I did take Jan 8th as a rest day - got the yoga/stretching session done in the morning, then took it easy for the day. Had a massage and got ready for the return to work tomorrow. 

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