Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sept 18 to 24

Thing of beauty

Yeah, man ... I'm doing nothing different, just lots of it.

Morning sessions are all between 25 and 35 minutes and swimming sessions are about the same. One or two days there was also an afternoon yoga/bodyweight training session for good measure. 

Nice and boring - I'm mastering the art of showing up, as the man says. Everything is just heading forward and I'm good with that. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sept 11 to 17

I got up early this morning, too

Another week of things settling in - I got a chance to live the week that I am going to be reliving over and over again until Christmas. To some, that sounds like an incredible drag but at least I know what I will be doing three Tuesdays from now. That sounds like something I can exploit to my own advantage.

Speaking of exploiting something to my own advantage, my gym offers Wednesday night yoga classes and I finally made one this week. 60 minutes of basic flow and gentle stretch. My hamstrings were okay with the session, too. I found it a nice and welcome way to interrupt the negative crap going on the rest of the week. Bringing my wife along was a nice bonus. She enjoyed it as well.

Otherwise, this was the day, every day of this week:

Up early doing the morning session - see last week for details on that. 

Afternoons was a 20-minute session some days on a yoga mat. Just stretching and mobility. Nothing at all to this session, so far.

Evenings were swimming or that one night of yoga at my club. 

Nice and busy; my head, body heart and lungs really do like this stuff. I did close all my rings all seven days, too.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sept 5 to 10


This young one was watching me this week.

A good week - closed my rings every day ... all the rings, all the days. A good return to work and lots of fitness and lots of things moving forward.

Need to work on the diet next, but at least I can use the schedule that I have to keep to my advantage. 

Bought a pair of 20 lb dumbbells for the morning routine I'm keeping at the moment. Got the afternoon session planned and ready to go. Almost. Need a few things to clear up - not the least of which is the weather to stop being so muggy and let the regular adult weather come back and run the room. 

Morning sessions continue to evolve and look like this:

10 minutes mobility - 90/90 stretches, downward dogs to planks, to low planks, to high planks to downward dogs to one leg up, lots of stretching and mobility

10 minutes of ab work - rounds of swimmers leg kicking, BJJ leg pummeling, hollow holds, dead bugs, ab flares and big ball rollouts with 20 lb standing rows and flys.

10 minutes of shoulders and back - rounds of 20 lb standing lateral raises, then into 10 meels and then reverse meels, then to banded lat pulls and lat chest pulls, tricep extensions, banded bicep curls and overhead presses. 

Swimming sessions in the afternoons/evenings have been awesome - some were short ones, just to finish off the rings, and some were longer on days I was lazy. I look forward to my afternoon HIIT sessions to make the evening swimming sessions just for fun and extra cardio.

Got my side hustle set up until Christmas and things are settling down nicely after the transitional nature of last week. Should be awesome. 

Monday, September 4, 2023

Aug 28 to Sept 4


This was  ... this is an odd week ... always. a cross between holiday and work. A cross between the country and the city. At least I completed my rings most days and everyone is "ready" for next week.

Morning sessions continue, as do afternoon swims with one or two hikes/walks to complete the circles on my Apple watch. I am really trying to get myself set up for success next week by waking up early, but today, after getting up at 5:50 a.m., I ended up sleeping for four hours after finishing my am session by 7 a.m.

Four hours. Unreal.

But there's of the week was nice and boring. Getting my family to come along for the pool workouts is also awesome.