Saturday, December 15, 2018

Dec 5 to Dec 15

Well, I recovered from that sinus thing, man.

Took a while. My throat and my nose are much much better. However, my ears are still clogged with the remains of whatever it is swimming around in my head.

It's like I'm underwater with the hearing these days. Muffled things ... I keep having to ask people to repeat things. Kinda annoying.

At least I got back to training. Sunday the 9th was a big day with a great walk on the beach. That was just incredible. Mondays and Wednesdays are still training nights at Cedar Springs. Usually five or six rounds of:

2 minutes on the elliptical trainer
2 minutes of kettlebell lifts

as a finisher, I've been doing four or five rounds of farmers walks and chest flys with 40 or 45 lb dbs

Not bad sessions. Friday the 14th was a tough day. Stayed up late on Thursday and didn't get a walk done in the morning. At least I got a fitness test done and it showed I was improving my fitness a little. Friday night was a gong show after my physio appointment. Meh, I survived.

I'll have to add another training session next week, and possibly start doing the heavy lifts by the end of the month. I am still not able to run, but I can at least get on ellipticals and other cardio equipment. Got to get down and start running.

I also still need to be consistent with the nutrition. I get some days that are perfect and other days where I still too much wonderful food in my mouth.

Meh, I get it done.

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