Monday, August 12, 2019

Aug 4 to Aug 11

I’d be lying if I told you everything was wonderful. I’d be lying if I told you things were tolerable in the long term. Right now ... things are merely ok.

Lots of ongoing projects that are stalled for a variety of reasons. I’m not waiting though - need to pay bills and kick ass. And so ... I keep training. I keep working and planning and making ready for the right moment. Lying low, rather than lying about. These days, I’m hitting every rugby session as well as rest days and training days.

Thursday I did the Fire Drill workout - basically, I clean out the garage - I take everything out and wash the floor and then put everything back in. I’ve been doing that for a number of years and it’s awesome. A good workout and now I am ready for the school year and other plans. I have a gym that is functional and not another dirty room into which I collect crap.

The same day I hit 303% on the Polar Loop+ activity monitor. I’m quite proud of that. But we have to move on, man. I had to run around like and idiot on Friday and then played on Saturday. Sunday was a rest day, but I did go for a morning pool walk. Today, the 12th I took my wife to Cedar Springs and got her membership reactivated. So now, at least we can get there together and have a bit of a real. At the very least, at least she has a place she can go to when away from our kids.

Very active days, but still not seeing much progress in the nutrition or the weight loss. It’s like those two things are somehow connected. In any case, I’ll get it done. Meh, I’m looking forward to the challenge this winter of all those workouts and training sessions.

As a part of my belated spring cleaning, I’m tossing a lot of stuff out, including the big wheel I’ve had in my garage for a number of years. I’m finding this sort of tossing out cathartic to say the least. I keep finding things that “do not bring me joy” and enjoy releasing them to the universe, hoping that someone else can gain by these possessions.

I did get a decently priced iMac on Facebook Marketplace, too. I’m happy that my son can play video games non-stop without using my bleeping iPhone. Eeeeeeeesh.

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