Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sunday Monday and Tuesday Feb 26

Sunday was a wash. Well, actually a paint would be more accurate. I painted my living room and main hallways with the stairs and upper hallway thrown in for good measure.

Monday - I painted the kitchen. And small bathroom.

At least Monday I needed kettlebells so much I took a break and got this done for three rounds before getting back to painting:

This is where I make my abs
30 KB two handed swings
20 feet up push ups

Nothing major, just nice to get done.

Later Monday, had a weird dream that made me literally jump out off of the couch I fell asleep on. Freaky. Even tasted bile. Weird.

Tuesday, got this done before going to work:

30 kb two handed swings
10 KB cleans (50 lb bell used)
20 feet up push ups
20 seated knee tucks

Yeah, nothing major. I'm sore. A lot sore lately, thanks to all the painting and moving furniture/crap. At least my body can handle all the work that is being thrown at it. Makes life easier when you are not collapsing all the time.

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