Monday, September 10, 2012

Friday Sept 7

Friday ... was a weird little day. I ate not very well, as Ihave yet to get my nutrition back under control. I ate out. Too much "out".

I did get a shrt run in, after work before having to pick up my kids. I'm sorry to say that my iPhone is too old to run the new version of hte Nike+ app, so I had to be resourceful. I borrowed my daughter iPod touch and put the new app on there. During the run, the thing fell out of my armband and the screen broke from hitting the pavement.

Being a man means that sometimes you have to deliver bad news. I got home and told my daughter that I had broken her iPod and that as such, I would be replacing it. I did get some tears, but I'm pretty sure that my kid knows that she can rely on me. In any case, I have to replace that this week. Expensive run.

I got picked to play firsts, too, by the way ...

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