Friday, August 2, 2013

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Aug 2

Tuesday was a training night.

I spent the day with my kids, going for a couple of long walks and trying to get the youngest tired out.  Getting that kid to sleep is the highlight of my day - active and non-stop, man.

After training, I had some company doing my sprints, as he had missed a train to get to training.

So, we did this together for three rounds, and I added an extra sprint on the end.

5 x 50m sprint
20 seated knee tucks
20 feet up push ups

Wednesday was supposed to be a low intensity day, some stretching and rolling and the like ... when I got an offer I couldn't refuse. I got the chance to play a game on a Wednesday night.

actual image from Wednesday.... ;)
So .. under the lights with a nice cool rain on grass ... I played hook for a team in Mississauga. I was the smallest in the front row - and I weigh about 110 kilos (about 230 pounds). Needless to say, we won a lot of scrums. Muddy, rainy and warm with no fears of sunburn. Simply awesome.

And not a single idiotic comment from the crowd. It was almost bliss.

Thursday normally is a training day, but I would like to stay married, so I stayed home. It is a holiday weekend here in Ontario, and so there are no games on this weekend. Last night my club had a game, but I wasn't supposed to play. So... I stayed home and let myself heal. It was a metaphorical Sunday, after all.

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