Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wednesday and Thursday Jan 18 and 19

This was a "light and dark" kind of a combination for me.

Wednesday I demonstrated a great deal of discipline and stuck to everything that was healthy and focused on this event. Thursday was an OFF day. Meh, they were both good


Breakfast: smoothie - frozen fruit and milk in a blender, coffee on the way in

Snack: almonds and coffee

Lunch tuna, almonds and walnuts, peppers and hummus. Water to drink

Snack: water, water and more water

Dinner: small bowl of pasta

After my first shift and going to pick up my kids, I went for a quick 4k run. It was a nice diversion and got me out of my troubles, at least for a few minutes. I also got a message from StrengthBox owner: I got to go and pick up my kettlebells this Saturday.

Thursday, however, was my cheat day. No workout, just food, as I hosted an event at work.

Breakfast: smoothie and coffee

Lunch: 3 samosas, cinnabuns, yummy snacks of a fatty and calorically void nature. Coffee and water. Oh, my that was a cheat meal.

Dinner: a light soup and a samosa and a nap on the couch. I couldn't move.

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