Today’s blog was started overlooking the Starbucks in Niagara Falls, Ontario. I just finished with a couple of presentations for people with exceptionalities. The highlight was a young lady who represents Canada at the Special Olympics in Rhythmic Gymnastics. I was within a foot of her performance area after she gave a ten minute speech. It was just really cool. She sat right beside me after her performance.
The some ministry wonk got on the mic and bored the tears out of me with the keynote speech. (yawn) As he finished, I turned to the young lady and said “I liked your presentation WAAAAAAY better.” Both she and her mom had a good chuckle.
I forgot what presentations I signed myself up for, so I went to the ones with the titles I thought were the coolest. “The elephant on the trampoline” was the one that has just finished. I’m thinking I need to tell more jokes to my kids, which was the way that the presenter said that most students learn better.
In the afternoon session, it was “Accessibility in the e-World” ... helping people with better websites for people with disabilities. Should help with blogging for the various classes I teach.
Oh, I did this before I left for this conference this morning:
As many rounds as possible in 25 minutes, got through 9 rounds of:
6 Tire flips
2) Bodyweight Pulling x 10 (TRX lat pulls)
3) Bodyweight Pushing x 10 (push ups on the tire)
4) KB Swing x 10 (Used the 40lb KB ... next time, it’s the 53)
5) OH SB walking x 50' (used 40 lb SB)
Sledge Hammer on the tire x 10 (Which didn’t go over very well at my house at 7am in the morning. Alas, they love me, and didn’t scream at me ... too loudly...;) nah, there was no screaming, I just got a few raised eyebrows when I was done.)
Ate this:
Breakfast : grapefruit juice, OJ, too. Had to get moving after the workout.
Snack: coffee, coffee and some water.
Lunch:Tuna wraps with grilled peppers and leafy greens. Water to drink. Coffee on top, too.
Lots of water to drink
Dinner was a lightly seasoned chicken, over rice, asparagus and red peppers. One beer to drink.
Tomorrow is SOOOO going to be a recovery day. Stretching, working on muscles and the like. My butt is aching right now. Seriously, needs a really good working on.
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