I got interrupted twice during this workout:
1A) 1 Arm DB Snatch 4 x 6
1B) 12 tire flips
2A) SB GR Wrestling Squat 4 x 6
2B) Lunge Jumps 4 x 6/6
3A) 50 lb SB Curls 4 x 5 - 8
3B) 30 lb KB floor press 4 x 12-15
4) 400m Sprints 4 x
5) ab circuit 4 x in a row (man makers, front plank, left/right planks)
I followed this workout with 3 rounds of:
trap tire dead lift x 5
Heavy bag Greco Roman restarts x 5
After that, my kids wanted to come into the garage and workout. I had them dragging stuff around and working on somersaults. We all had fun, man.
When I went to get groceries tonight, did a 4.5 k walk. Had the tunes pumping and did some planning for the week. I'm thinking about training and nutrition. Caffeine is starting to mess with my heart, again. I'm thinking I have to give up the daily Timmy's coffee run and get my life back with decaf green tea. No such thing as a healthy heart with bad timing.
I ate this today:
brunch: coffee and ground beef, veggies in a wrap. (about 11am)
Snack: grapefruit juice and almonds
Dinner slow cooked roast beef with raw veggies on a plate... horseradish to make your nose run. Almonds. Beer to drink. Awesome. (about 5pm)
Later, after the walk, had OJ and some almonds.
I really wasn't that hungry today. Lots of almonds, veggies and water, water, water all day kinda kept me going.
In any case, this week is about getting onto the mat, probably near my house. My buddy wants me to roll at Joslin's - which will probably happen this week, depending on his schedule. But I gotta roll this week, at least once.
Had to take my wife to the hospital to get some nurses to help her out. I took my kids back home and got back to my workout. She called again, and we all went to pick my wife up, then finished the workout. Wrestling with that heavy bag was pretty cool, man. I missed lifting practice dummies. At least this one has some heft to it, not like the rugby tackling dummies. I tucked the two 30 lb KB's back inside the tire to make the tire dead lift a little tougher, too
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