Man, did today make a comeback ... I'm still really tired, really feeling alone and .. well, still taking care of three little people under the age of 8 ... ok, a rather shallow comeback, but one none the less.
I got my kids to school, talked to my boss, took the day off to take care of my newborn and made it to the hospital without falling asleep and hurting anyone. That was one thing done well. Then, I took possession of at least 400 hundred dollars worth of material for 150. A bench that was close to new, that I have seen for close to 200 in the stores, and I also got 200 lbs worth of weights, too. Delivered. right in my garage, man.

I had a window to workout, and so I did, with the new bench, new barbells and the new dumbells, too. Was pretty slick.
Did this:
1) Tire DL
2) Bodyweight Pulling x 10 (on the TRX)
3) Bodyweight Pushing x 10 (one leg up, other on the tire)
4) 53 lb KB Swing x 10
5) OH 20 lb weights walking lunges x 50'
6)Sledge Hammer x 10
7)jump onto height (new bench - knee height)
8) incline flies 30 lb DB
This was cool
I ate this today:
Breakfast: coffee
Lunch: belt for timmy hortons, water
Dinner: chili and more water
late night food: oj and GJ
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