Breakfast at Cora's after church:
Eggs, Toast, bacon, fruit and potatoes. Coffee to drink.
Snack: coffee
Lunch: Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, turnip, water to drink. Birthday cake and coffee to drink.
I got home from this day and needed to chill, after all of the family stuff - had a two beers to chill out and kinda get some perspective on the whole thing. Got a chance to take some photos of the party, my kids, people I'm related to by marriage and the outdoors. I'm thinking I set up a Flickr account, as I am taking so many pics with my new iPhone. It's not a bad camera at all - at least for some shots.
This is the workout I did before going to the family thing:
warm up - swings, presses and cleans. Had a decent sweat going.
Four rounds of this:
KB high swings; (30 and 40 one arm swings, too)
KB presses (same weights)
walking lunges, with log overhead, forwards and backwards 10 m
slamball into the wall x10 times per set
TRX prone rows
TRX push ups
then, after that was done, did some GR re-starts and body throws with the log and the sandbag. To finish off, did some pummeling with a exercise ball squished into the wall. That was a decent effort at the end.

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